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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Whimsical VS Voodoo Doll

WOW...2 diametrically different manis in my opinion...You will have to tell me which one YOU like best :0)

First- Revlon Whimsical.  I used a very pretty but PIA franken for the undies on this one. My very first franken and  a pain to apply evenly. 2 coats of carefully applied Whimsical over the pale blue franken.

I totally feel like an Easter egg with this mani...and I do love Easter (plus those malted milk ball candies that look like this!)

OK, Next... Nail-venturous Voodoo Doll. A friend shared her bottle of this polish with me and I really love it! Totally opposite feel than is light and fun, the other is dark and mysterious.

2 coats of NV VD over a medium grey franken of mine. This polish is topcoat hungry!  2 thick coats of SV and still a bit bumpy...

So what do YOU think....If you had to choose between these two manis, which would you choose?

For some weird reason, 2 of my last 3 mani's have had "pop-offs"...the whole of the nail polish came off in one fell swoop...left my naked nail behind without even a backwards glance. I'm not sure what the deal was, but I think it was the polishes interacting with each other....It was Nirvana butterflies and the Voodoo doll manis! Cross your fingers for Whimsical...

1 comment:

Jéssica Coelho said...

look's pretty :D